If there was any confirmation needed that
the mendacious, grievance-mongering taquiyya-artists at TellMamaUK have finally
lost the plot, it is to be found in an analysis of the latest target that they
have in their cross-hairs – Liberty GB. See this link - http://tellmamauk.org/liberty-gb/
The rock-dwelling bottom-feeders at
TellMamaUK of course, scrape a living by diligently trawling the Internet for
evidence of “online hate crime” – which apparently has become so common amongst
the “racist, bigoted, hateful, intolerant Islamo-phobes” who lurk around every
cyber-corner and hide in every cyber-alley, that the offices of TellMamaUK must
undoubtedly be piled high with the evidence of these dastardly cyber-deeds
awaiting processing by the forces of law and order, who must consequently take
time off daily from investigating the lesser crimes of murder, GBH, arson, ABH,
in order to decide whether to prosecute Jason from the Swamp Estate because he
called Fatima a Muslim slag on Facebook.
Or maybe not.
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When we last looked, the Mendacious
Grievance-Monger-In-Chief at TellMamaUK , Fiyaz Mughal, was being hauled over
the coals by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Department
of Local Communities (DCLG) for being “economical with the actualite” – to the
extent that TellMama’s funding for the current year was withdrawn amidst
well-publicised accusations of fraudulent misrepresentation of the statistics. Apparently
– believe it or not – there is not enough “online hate crime” to go round and
some more “online hate crime” had to be urgently manufactured to justify the
hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money needed to sustain the
organisation and keep it in the manner to which it had become accustomed.
But has this had the effect of chastening
the Mendacious Grievance-Monger-In-Chief? Not a bit of it. Undaunted by the
loss of his funding, he has continued to propound the false narrative that “Islam is a benign and tolerant religion of
peace – therefore anyone who opposes its relentless, juggernaut encroachment
throughout the West must by definition be a racist, bigoted, hateful,
intolerant Islamophobe” and has been calling for stiffer penalties
including heavy custodial sentencing for anyone who dares to challenge this
narrative and tell the truth – the truth being that Islam has some highly
questionable characteristics that in a sane world would cause it to be precluded
from being called a religion at all – rather it should be re-classified as a ruthless
totalitarian political ideology with an agenda of world domination through
fear, violence, terror and intimidation.
Not that he is alone in this endeavour –
the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation has been pushing hard at the United
Nations for the implementation of UN Resolution 16/18 which would destroy our
cherished notions of free speech – the cornerstone of any open, democratic
society – and criminalise any criticism of Islam in the West while at the same
time rendering resistance to the Global Jihad and Islamic totalitarianism /
supremacism well-nigh impossible.
However, while the world waits with
increasing impatience for the necessary sanity to return to our political
landscape both domestically and internationally, TellMamaUK has turned its
baleful gaze towards Liberty GB. Apparently
unhappy with the sane and rational policies that Liberty GB has proposed for
our country in the face of increasing Islamisation, TellMamaUK has taken the
Orwellian twisting of our language to a new level. Apparently Liberty GB is now
guilty of the “Racialisation of Islam and Muslims.” Whatever could this mean?
It certain sounds impressive – although on closer inspection it turns out to be
as intellectually dishonest as most of TellMamaUK’s other pursuits.
Apparently it has something to do with the
“othering” of Muslims. Well, excuse me, Sherlock. If Muslims come to Western
countries and choose not to integrate and assimilate with the host populations,
despite being given every encouragement and assistance, but instead choose to
emphasise their separateness and their alleged superiority over the rest of us,
then who exactly is responsible for the “othering” that TellMamaUK is so
exercised about? Not Liberty GB, that’s for sure.
Just to clarify things at this point, Islam of course is not a race,
nor are Muslims a racial group – as the following CPS document shows -
document explicitly says: “Racial group – this means any group of
people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality
(including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin. This could include
Gypsies and Travellers, refugees, or asylum seekers or others from less visible
minorities. There has been a legal ruling that Jews and Sikhs are included in
the definition of racial group.” It does
not include Muslims.
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how else might Liberty GB be “racialising” Islam and Muslims ? Apparently Liberty
GB are focused on finding stories that portray Islam and Muslims in a negative
light. Perhaps TellMamaUK should be focused on the fact that there are so many
stories arising on a daily basis from around the world concerning the actions of
Muslims in the name of Islam, and that very few of these stories involve
heart-warming tales of Muslims helping little kittens who happen to be stuck up
a tree, or of Muslims going out of their way to prevent the persecution of
Christians, Hindus and Buddhists by those awful axe-wielding, gun-toting
Methodist fanatics, who terrorise local populations with their brutal and blood-thirsty
jumble sales, barbaric fund-raisers and ruthless cake-baking activities.
GB are also apparently “racialising” Islam and Muslims by their unwarranted
focus on such phenomena as female genital mutilation, terrorism and honour
killings which are stated by TellMamaUK to transcend faith and cultural
boundaries. Again, they would rather that Liberty GB focus their attention on
the plethora of terror attacks carried out by Lutherans, while the legendary
squads of Presbyterians who perform FGM in their spare time while taking a
break from honour-killing their relatives deserve to be put under the
spotlight. The fact is of course that over 90 per cent of honour killings
worldwide are carried out by Muslims, and there is a correlation of a similar
order of magnitude for terror attacks on innocent civilians and FGM operations
on innocent female children. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good
conspiracy theory? If TellMamaUK can just deflect our attention from the true
problems for long enough, then Muslim demographics will complete the destruction
of the West without a shot being fired, and they know it.
of course pours scorn on Liberty GB’s analysis of the demographic situation.
They state that 86 per cent of England and Wales is white – again, another
attempt by TellMamaUK at conflating Islam and Muslims with race – and
completely ignore the demographic changes that would result in the complete
transformation of our country within as little as two generations if Islam is
allowed to continue unrestrained and unchecked as it has been. Why should we accept,
let alone welcome, this malignant and cancerous transformation if the end
result is likely to be an Islamic civilisational model – far, far worse than
the Judaeo-Christian civilisational model that it would inevitably replace in
terms of our freedoms – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of
conscience, and equality before the law regardless of gender, race, creed or
evidence of Liberty GB’s “racialisation” of Islam and Muslims is apparently to
be found in the analysis of the net negative contribution that Muslim
immigration has made to this country (and other Western countries) in both
economic and in non-economic terms. TellMamaUK would have everyone believe that
such claims are without foundation, under-researched and motivated solely by
bigotry, racism and Islamophobia. However, an objective perusal of Robert
Henderson’s excellent articles on the subject here - http://libertygb.org.uk/v1/index.php/home/root/news-libertygb/6227-the-true-economic-costs-of-mass-immigration - and here - http://libertygb.org.uk/v1/index.php/home/root/news-libertygb/6220-the-non-economic-costs-of-mass-immigration-to-the-uk - show that there are many factors
leading to the inescapable conclusion that Muslim immigration does in fact lead
to a net negative contribution to the UK and to other Western countries, and
that these factors are deliberately suppressed by the Government, the
mainstream media and other so-called liberal institutions in order to mislead
the host population into accepting the alien, hostile and parasitic ideology of
Islam into our midst.
“racialisation” of Islam and Muslims is also apparent to TellMamaUK in the sane
and rational steps proposed by Liberty GB to manage the cessation and the
subsequent reversal of the Islamisation of this country. The predictable cry of
“Discrimination!” has gone up, as if discrimination were an evil course of
action in any and all circumstances. Never mind the fact that the ability to
discriminate has been built into all human beings since the dawn of humanity,
and that it would have been a bad look-out for any Stone Age hunter who was
unable to distinguish – and discriminate - between a harmless pussy-cat and a
ravenous man-eating tiger intent on ripping him limb from limb. The fact is
that desperate times call for desperate measures, and that people who CHOOSE to
subscribe to a pernicious political ideology that actively seeks to undermine
and destroy our civilisation cannot be tolerated in large numbers in a free and
open society. Discrimination is the only option if we are not to condemn our
children and grandchildren to a never-ending series of brutal and bloody
conflicts and civil wars.
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http://libertygb.org.uk/v1/ |
in its relentless quest to demonise Liberty GB also ignores the lessons of
history – in particular the 1400 years of Islamic expansionism and supremacism
which follow predictable patterns whenever and wherever Muslims invade and
colonise unsuspecting host populations with their alien, hostile and parasitic
ideology. TellMamaUK complains that Liberty GB views Islam as an aggressive
entity that is at war with the West. Sorry to bother you again, Sherlock, but
is there an alternative viewpoint that takes into account all of the preceding points
that I have touched upon in this essay? Islamic doctrine divides the world into
two – Dar Al Islam (lands ruled by Islam) and Dar Al Harb (lands of war, not
yet under the control of Islam.) According to the Qur’an and Sunnah, it is the
duty of every devout Muslim, in ways great or small, to further the cause of
Islam in whatever way they can – which is why we see what we see around the
world every day when we read the stories of Muslims bombing, beheading,
shooting and otherwise murdering non-Muslims in the most barbaric ways
possible, all in the name of Allah.
from “retreating into their own constructed reality” according to TellMamaUK,
Liberty GB is the only political party in the UK today with the political will
to confront these issues – and confronted they must be if we are prevent our
country sliding into the anarchy and chaos that we see around the world
wherever and whenever Muslims feel that they are powerful enough to try and
take over. Already we are seeing enclaves forming in many British (and European)
cities where even the police and the other emergency services fear to go
without a military escort, where women are treated as second-class citizens and
where Sharia law is allowed to reign supreme to the detriment of basic
universal human rights. Is this what we want for our country? Did our forefathers
fight and die for this? For our freedoms to be given away by a bunch of
self-serving politicians who care nothing for the rights of the people who have
been entrusted to their care, all with the connivance and complicity of the
mainstream media?
complains of “racist and Islamophobic vitriol” and speaks of “the language of
violence” supposedly used by Liberty GB - pointing to the comments of some
supporters on Facebook in order to shore up their tendentious assertions. TellMamaUK
naturally makes no reference to the racist, Infidel-o-phobic and anti-Semitic
comments that pour out of the Muslim world on a daily basis, many of these
comments calling for murder and violence coming straight from the mouths of
prominent Muslim clerics and influential Muslim leaders. Apparently it’s all
the fault of the foolish and foolhardy policies of Western governments, who by
continuing to allow our freedom of speech, threaten the Allah-given right of
Islam and Muslims to trample all over our civilisation and our traditions and
values. Racialisation? Nice try,
TellMamaUK, but you really have lost the plot. Maybe it’s time for the Mendacious
Grievance-Monger-In-Chief to try another tactic. How about honesty?
By Catstrangler101 – 15 January 2014
Follow the Cat on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/catstrangler101
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